Removal Of Waste From An Asbestos Removal Project Done Right

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After asbestos-containing material has been removed from, say, the roof or walls of your home, the next step is to ensure that all that waste is carefully handled awaiting disposal at the right facility. This must be done with absolute care and according to the regulations and standards that are in place.

1. Time Is Of The Utmost Essence

Leaving the removed asbestos-containing material lying around about poses a high risk. People moving around the site may accidentally step on the sheets, crush them and, in the process, release more of the asbestos fibers into the air. Again, if stepped on, the material may get crushed into tiny pieces that will be harder to remove.

Proper protocol for asbestos removal dictates that once the material containing asbestos has been removed, it should be loaded onto the transport units as soon as possible to avoid the risk of such accidents.

2. It Should Be Kept  Wet

It is vital that the asbestos-containing materials be wet down and kept damp during the waste handling stage. Doing so ensures that no loose fibres get released into the air or spread into the surroundings.

3. Use Of The Right Bags Makes A World Of Difference

The plastic bags used to hold the asbestos-containing material and waste after the actual asbestos removal services must be thick and heavy-duty.  

The bags are not just for the removed asbestos; any of the disposable gear used by the workers during the asbestos removal services must also go. This includes disposable clothing and personal protective equipment, such as gloves and disposable nose masks.

4. Proper Labelling Is A Must

Once the bags are filled up and sealed, they must be properly marked as 'hazardous' before being loaded onto the transport units awaiting transport to the disposal sites. Labelling reduces the risk of other people accidentally opening up the bags and in the process releasing any loose fibres.

Knowing the right standards and procedures for each and every step of the asbestos removal and abatement process will help protect everyone from the dangers of exposure to this toxic substance. That said, you should avoid taking on asbestos removal as a DIY project and leave it to the professional asbestos removal company. It may seem like a good idea because it may save you a bit of money, but even that is not worth the risk you will be exposing yourself and others to in case of even the smallest mistakes.
